Verax Improvement Proposal [VIP-9] - Workflow Differentiation for "Attest" and "Replace"

Verax Improvement Proposal [VIP-9] - Workflow Differentiation for “Attest” and “Replace”

Author[s]: @alain_ncls
Title: Workflow Differentiation for “Attest” and “Replace”
Type: Verax Improvement Proposal


This proposal focuses on an upgrade to the Verax protocol to enhance the differentiation between “attest” and “replace” workflows.

Proposal Summary

Introduce an operationType string in the runModulesV2 function to differentiate between “attest” and “replace” workflows.

Overview of Proposal

This proposal aims to enhance the Verax protocol by allowing Modules to distinguish between “attest” and “replace” workflows through an additional parameter, operationType, in the runModulesV2 function. The key objectives include:

  • Providing dedicated logic for “attest” and “replace” workflows in the Modules.
  • Allowing Modules to perform operations specific to the workflow type.

Projected Timeline:

  • Governance Vote: 2024-07-28T22:00:00Z (min. 2 weeks from publishing proposal)
  • Deployment Target: 2024-08-04T22:00:00Z (min. 1 week from start of voting period)

Implementation Team:

  • Development: Core Verax Development Team
  • Review: Verax Governance Committee

Anticipated Benefits:

  • Improved flexibility and functionality of the Verax protocol.
  • Enhanced ability for Modules to perform specialized tasks based on the workflow type.


The current implementation of the runModulesV2 function does not differentiate between “attest” and “replace” workflows, limiting the ability of modules to execute workflow-specific logic. By introducing an operationType parameter, this proposal aims to enhance the functionality and versatility of the Verax protocol, thus improving its adoption and integration within the ecosystem.

Technical Considerations

The technical aspects of this proposal include:

  • Modifying the runModulesV2 function in the ModuleRegistry contract to accept an additional operationType parameter.
  • Updating the AbstractModuleV2 interface to handle the new parameter.
  • Updating the AbstractPortal interface to pass the new parameter to the Module.

Previous Implementation:

  function runModulesV2(
    address[] memory modulesAddresses,
    AttestationPayload memory attestationPayload,
    bytes[] memory validationPayloads,
    uint256 value,
    address initialCaller,
    address attester
  ) public {
    if (modulesAddresses.length == 0) return;
    if (modulesAddresses.length != validationPayloads.length) revert ModuleValidationPayloadMismatch();

    for (uint32 i = 0; i < modulesAddresses.length; i = uncheckedInc32(i)) {
      if (!isRegistered(modulesAddresses[i])) revert ModuleNotRegistered();

Proposed Implementation:

  function runModulesV2(
    address[] memory modulesAddresses,
    AttestationPayload memory attestationPayload,
    bytes[] memory validationPayloads,
    uint256 value,
    address initialCaller,
    address attester,
    OperationType operationType
  ) public {
    if (modulesAddresses.length == 0) return;
    if (modulesAddresses.length != validationPayloads.length) revert ModuleValidationPayloadMismatch();

    for (uint32 i = 0; i < modulesAddresses.length; i = uncheckedInc32(i)) {
      if (!isRegistered(modulesAddresses[i])) revert ModuleNotRegistered();

Deployment Considerations

As the onchain upgrade for Modules V2 has not been done yet, we can take this opportunity to still change the signature of the runModulesV2 function without breaking backward compatibility. This means that the upgrade of the contract will contain both these VIPs implementations.

Research Outcomes

The necessity and potential effectiveness of this upgrade are supported by:

  • Analysis of current limitations in handling different workflows.
  • Feedback from the community and developers indicating the need for enhanced workflow differentiation.
  • Studies on the potential improvements in efficiency and functionality provided by the proposed changes.

Conflict of Interest

No conflicts of interest to disclose.

Next Steps

  1. Publish the proposal for community review and feedback.
  2. Conduct the governance vote.
  3. Implement the changes in the ModuleRegistry contract.
  4. Update and test all relevant modules.
  5. Deploy the updated contracts to the testnets and mainnets.

References and Links

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I suggest to postpone the vote after the week of the 2024-08-11T22:00:00Z in order to make sure everybody is able to vote and potentially batch this vote with another change proposal.

I agreed, I think it’s best to postpone this proposal a little as we haven’t seen a lot of engagement, and I think it could have a lot to do with the time of year (people traveling and/or taking vacation)